via google images
While shopping at Marshall's the other day, for something completely unrelated, I stumbled onto this little beauty. It was called an Oktomat, and supposedly took interesting pictures with 8 different lenses. The price sticker said $14.99. I looked it up on my phone, and all the online stores like amazon were selling them for $30+, so I felt like I was getting a good deal. I had my reservations though.. I didn't NEED it.. I jus wanted it, and I've been trying to stop wasting money on things I don't need. But what the heck. I bought the darn thing.*oops! forgot to mention that this is a Lomography camera. That means it's not digital, it takes film. This camera takes regular 35 mm film, which you cant still buy in most places where they sell camera accessories. I got mine at Meijer. Some grocery stores outsource their photo developing to other branches, so if you want One-Hour-Photo, watch for that. The Meijer near my house sends their film to the Meijer near where I go to school, so I had to go to that one to get my photos processed in one hour.
The pictures came out pretty cool, actually. I wanted to share a few of the good ones with you.